Monday, October 5, 2015

A Series of Fortune and Unfortunate Events

Hello everyone!

I apologize for lack of updates, but the last three weeks have brought great and sad things. I moved to NYC (!!), got a book deal for Dating an Alien Pop Star (!!!!), and have gotten to do some really fun things like attend fashion events, and a Renn fair.

However, I also am couch-hopping at the moment because I lost the place I was living in the city, and my phone AND laptop were stolen in a really frustrating turn of events at a place I found on Travelocity. While I don't fault Travelocity for this, I will say far and wide that the hostel on 186 Linden in Brooklyn is not a safe place, and is run by a corrupt person who will not compensate for someone who has had their belongings stolen out literally from under their bed while they are sleeping, by a stranger from the outside. It's insane.

I'm still on my feet and still moving forward though, my dears, and have ideas for new posts soon!!


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